Available for Purchase

Birds, florals, landscapes, mammals, butterflies, and more... stay tuned for further updates!
Contact Leon to discuss unframed or framed options, customized cards, multi-panel creations, and commissions. 
Click/hover on each image for more info.

Title: Yellow Warbler
Dimensions: 5 1/2 inch x 7 1/4 inch
Format: Prints

Title: About to Escape (Cooper's Hawk and Scarlet Tanager)
Dimensions: 12 inch x 16 inch
Format: Original & Prints

Title: Red-breasted Nuthatch
Dimensions: 5 1/4 inch x 6 7/8 inch
Format: Original & Prints

Title: Flying Jewel (Ruby-throated Hummingbird)
Dimensions: 10 inch x 11 3/8 inch
Format: Prints

Title: Greater Sage-Grouse
Dimensions: 6 7/8 inch x 5 1/2 inch
Format: Prints

Title: American Bittern
Dimensions: 5 inch x 7 1/4 inch
Format: Prints

Title: Brewer's Sparrow
Dimensions: 5 1/2 inch x 7 inch
Format: Prints

Title: Yellow-breasted Chat
Dimensions: 6 7/8 inch x 5 3/8 inch
Format: Original & Prints

Title: Chestnut-sided Warbler
Dimensions: 5 1/2 inch x 6 1/2 inch
Format: Original & Prints

Title: Black-throated Green Warbler
Dimensions: 5 1/2 inch x 6 7/8 inch
Format: Original & Prints

Title: Hermit Thrush
Dimensions: 5 1/2 inch x 6 2/3 inch
Format: Original & Prints

Title: Golden-winged Warbler
Dimensions: 6 1/4 inch x 5 3/4 inch
Format: Original & Prints

On Display

Ontario Breeding Bird Atlas - 3 Giveaway